Best Student Presentation Award
Each year at the SETAC Europe annual meeting, students can apply to have their presentation entered for consideration in the Best Student Presentation Awards, including the Best Student Poster Presentation and the ECETOC Best Student Platform Presentation.

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Application Instructions
Students can indicate their desire to participate in the competition when they submit an abstract for the SETAC Europe annual meeting. To qualify for consideration, the first and presenting author of the presentation must have an active SETAC student membership (free, explorer or full) at the time of abstract submission. The presentation must be work conducted by the author as a student, while still a student.
Applicants must be:
- The first and presenting author of the submitted abstract
- A student (B.Sc., M.Sc. or Ph.D.) or early career scientist within 3 years from B.Sc. or M.Sc. graduation at the time of abstract submission. Proof must be provided via an active student proof or a copy of the latest transcript or diploma
- Register for the meeting by the early bird registration deadline
- Only one abstract per person will be accepted. If authors submit multiple abstracts for consideration, only the first submitted abstract will be taken into consideration
Selection Process
The SETAC Europe Awards Committee oversees this competition. Abstracts are reviewed and given a score based on set criteria (abstract rubric). Top scoring abstracts get accepted into the competition. Authors will need to register early to confirm participation. The committee will then assign each presentation three judges who will score the presentation considering various aspects (presentation rubric). Winners will be announced as soon as judging is complete.
The winners will be announced during the Closing Ceremony at the SETAC Europe annual meeting, and all applicants will also be informed about the outcome after the annual meeting. Award winner will receive a certificate and a complimentary registration to attend the following SETAC Europe annual meeting, a contribution towards travel costs, and an invitation to the Presidents Reception.
For further information, contact us at [email protected].