Presentation Guidelines

Presenter Responsibilities

To provide an open and professional forum for scientific exchange, all attendees are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. It is critical that you adhere to all SETAC policies, including the code of conduct and code of ethics. Presenters are expected to disclose conflicts of interest, both obvious or those that could be perceived by the scientific community as such, as well as research funding or support from others. Please note that SETAC does not allow presentations that are advertisements for a service or product.

SETAC does NOT retain copyright on presentations. However, upon submission of a presentation, presenters grant SETAC permission to use, reproduce, display, and distribute the presentation. For instance, SETAC can report on presentations in SETAC communication outlets (e.g., newsletters, social media).

Please respect the presentation guidelines according to your presentation type below. 

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations

1. A standard exhibition board with a size of 2.5 meters tall by 1 meter wide will be provided for each poster at the conference site, with a white background color. The poster area will be located in the lobby of the third-floor conference hall.

2. The print size for posters should be 1.2 meters tall by 0.9 meters wide, with concise content and clear handwriting. The layout can be artistically processed, and the writing should be clearly visible at least 1 meter away.

3. When hanging posters, please print them yourself and bring them to the lobby on the third floor of the conference hall. You can use the poster’s own adhesive or transparent adhesive to stick it to the corresponding display board according to the designated poster number of the conference. At that time, staff will provide the necessary tools for representatives to post and assist them in hanging the posters.

4. When hanging posters, the presenting author should introduce and communicate with the representatives who come to watch in front of the poster they are hanging.

5. The posters for this conference will be posted after 4:00 p.m. on 22 September, and the posters exhibition will end after the closing ceremony of the conference on the afternoon of 24 September. After the poster exhibition, please take off the poster by yourself. If the poster is not taken away, the staff will consider it unclaimed and have it discarded.


  1. 会议现场为每篇海报提供一块标准展板,尺寸为2.5米(高)*1米(宽),背景色为白色,地点位于三层大会议厅外围序厅。
  2. 张贴海报打印尺寸为1.2米(高)*0.9米(宽),要求内容简洁、字迹清晰,版面可进行艺术加工,字迹至少应在1米外清晰可见。
  3. 张贴海报请自行制作携带至会场三层大会议厅外围序厅,可使用海报自带背胶或透明胶,按照大会指定海报编号黏贴到对应展板上,届时会有工作人员为代表提供张贴所需工具并协助代表张贴。
  4. 海报张贴期间,作者应在自己所贴海报前向前来观看的代表介绍、交流。
  5. 本次会议张贴海报时间为9月22日下午4点以后,海报展示结束时间为9月24日下午大会闭幕式之后。张贴结束后请代表请自行将海报取下带走,如海报未取走,工作人员将视为无主处理。
Oral Presentations

Oral presentations 

  1. The oral presenter must arrive in the session room of their presentation at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. The presenter should introduce themselves to the session chairs at that time.

  2. Presentation duration:

    • Keynote presentations will last 20–25 minutes (including 3–5-minute Q&A)

    • Invited presentations will last 15-20 minutes (including 3-minute Q&A)

    • Regular presentations will last 12-15 minutes (including 2-minute Q&A)

    • Student presentations will last 8–15 minutes (including 2-minute Q&A).

    There will be a time reminder of 3 minutes before the end of the presentation, and the specific presentation time will be determined by each session. Please refer to the detailed schedule of each session.
  3. All speakers are required to go to the speaker ready room (Room 29 on the third floor) at least 4 hours before their oral presentation to upload the presentations into the presentation system. The organizing committee shall check the font, audio and video content to avoid affecting normal playback.
  4.  Each session chair will strictly adhere to the presentation schedule to allow the audience to switch between sessions. Each presentation venue will have a sound system and a PC with Microsoft PowerPoint software linked to a data projector.
  5.  The size of the oral PowerPoint presentation should be set to a 16:9 aspect ratio, and it is recommended to use *.pptx format.


  • 口头报告人必须在会议开始前至少15分钟到达报告地点。演讲人应在会议开始前在报告分会场向会议主席介绍自己。
  • 主旨报告时间为20-25 min(含3 min问答),邀请报告15-20 min(含3 min问答),一般报告12-15 min(含2 min问答),学生报告8-10 min(含2 min问答),报告结束前3 min将会有时间提示,具体报告时间由各分会自行拟定,请见详细分会日程。
  • 请报告人至少在口头报告开始前4小时,前往试片室(三层29号会议室)将报告文件考入计算机。组委会检查字体、音视频等内容,以免影响正常播放。
  • 每位会议主席将严格执行报告时间表,以便观众在会议之间切换。每个演示场地都将有一个音响系统和一台带微软PowerPoint软件的电脑,并连接到一台数据投影仪。
  • 口头报告PPT尺寸统一为16:9,建议使用pptx格式。