Abstract Submission

Call for abstracts is now open!

Share your research and present live on stage in Vienna! Submit your abstract by 17:00 CET on 20 November.  


Please read all the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract. 


General Instructions

  • Abstracts may not promote a research institute, consortium/project, commercial product, process, or service.
  • The abstract should not have been previously published or presented.
  • Only online submitted abstracts will be accepted.
  • Students can opt to compete for the Best Student Presentation Award
  • Each presenter can only give one platform presentation at the meeting. While the number of abstracts is unlimited, the presenter has to be prepared that abstracts are converted to posters if more than one platform application is accepted as such.
  • Submissions of multiple abstracts that share a very similar or nearly identical focus will not be accepted. In such cases, the Programme Committee will retain only the first submission. If a single abstract is insufficient to adequately represent a project, authors should ensure that each presentation provides new information and adds value to the scientific programme of the meeting. 
  • By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to abide by the SETAC participant policies, especially the copyright and presenter responsibilities, the recording and photographing policy, and the SETAC code of conduct.
  • Please note that the fact that a session is included in the call for abstracts does not guarantee that this session will be programmed at the meeting. Depending on the number of abstracts received, the Programme Committee will decide to accept, merge or cancel the session. In the latter case, the Programme Committee will make suggestions to move your abstract to another session.
  • Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their abstract on 31 January 2025.
  • The presenting author must be registered for the meeting by the early bird registration deadlineAccepted abstracts from presenters not having registered by this date will be cancelled and excluded from the programme.
  • Acceptance of your abstract and invitation to present during the meeting does not include a free registration nor any other financial compensation.
Short Abstracts

Guidelines for Writing Short Abstracts (all presentation types)

When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Session: Submit an abstract to a session to which the subject matter is applicable
  • Title: Use title case for your title (for example, “Recommended Minimum Reporting Information for Environmental Toxicity Data”), maximum 200 characters (including spaces) and spell out abbreviations and acronyms in the title. 
  • Abstract: Maximum 2500 characters (including spaces), do not include citations, tables or figures and keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum in the abstract and fully define at first reference
  • Write for your audience: session chairs and colleagues
  • Be clear and concise. Suggested outline:
    • Include one or two sentences on the background
    • Identify the challenge, problem, question or purpose of the work
    • Explain how you plan to address the challenge
    • Describe methods or approaches without getting into excessive detail
    • Report results or hypothesis, as appropriate
    • Summarise main conclusions if research is complete
    • Note the relevance of the study: How findings advance the topic or how they can be applied
  • (Co-)authors: name and affiliation; specify the presenting author;
  • Preferred Presentation Type:
    • Platform presentation: Presenters must upload a 2–page extended abstract (pdf, see ‘extended abstracts’) in addition to their short abstract. Applications without an extended abstract will be automatically converted to poster preference.
    • Poster presentation

NOTE: By submitting your short abstract, you permit SETAC to publish it in the meeting programme that will be made available to all participants.

Extended Abstracts

Instructions for Extended Abstracts (additional requirement for platform presentation)

Presenters applying for a platform presentation must submit ashort and an extended abstract (max. 2 pages, including tables, figures and references). Extended abstracts help session chairs in prioritising topics for platform presentations and selecting a subset of substitutes in the event a scheduled presentation is withdrawn. Only submissions including an extended abstract will be considered for this presentation type. Note that extended abstracts are for reviewing purposes only; they are by no means published or displayed in the meeting programme. 

Please use the template Word file to write your extended abstract and attach it to your abstract submission as a .pdf file.

Submit Abstract

Submit Your Abstract

  1. By submitting your abstract, you confirm that you have read and agree with the instructions on short and extended abstracts (additional requirement for platform presentations). 
  2. You will need to have a SETAC account (free, explorer or full membership). Create or login to your account before submitting an abstract. 
  3. Enter the abstract submission module with your SETAC credentials and fill in all the required details;
  4. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours after submission, please contact the SETAC Office.


In case of any questions concerning abstract submission, please do not hesitate to contact us.