Become a Meeting Supporter

Showcase your organization and your dedication to environmental science by supporting the SETAC North America Meeting.

  • Team up with SETAC in its commitment to Environmental Quality Through Science ®
  • Enhance your brand’s prominence as a leader in the environmental sciences community

If you have a unique sponsorship idea in mind or would like to talk to us about how you can promote your company at the SETAC North America annual meeting, please contact us at [email protected].

General Support

General Support


Refreshment Breaks
Opening Entertainment
Closing Raffle
Women in SETAC Symposium
SETAC Group Mixer
SETAC Group Seminar
Student/ Mentor Event
Program Book

Program Book


Virtual Platform
Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi Network


1SETAC Groups include affinity groups, interest groups and committees that organize special events such students and early careers.

2For your organization to be included and recognized in the printed program book, you must sign up and submit any relevant materials by 15 August. 

Meeting Patrons Sponsorship Levels

Meeting patrons get these exclusive benefits: Platinum
Acknowledgement on meeting website X X X
Recognition during the meeting on signage and slides X X X
Listed in emails about the meeting X X
Branded 1-hour symposium (business consortia, service or product presentations). Must be finalized by 15 August to be included in the program. X