Professional Training Courses

The purpose of professional training courses is to provide educational opportunities to the membership and guests. The focus is on selecting cutting-edge and general scientific topics of interest. In addition, non-scientific courses that support skills scientists might need to succeed, for example communication or presentation skills, are offered. The courses are taught by experts in the field.

Reserve your spot in a professional training course when you register for the meeting.

Please note, training courses will be presented on site in Fort Worth and will not be recorded.



By 21 August

  Full-day Half-day
Free, Explorer and Full Members $304 $184
Free, Explorer and Full Student Members or Developing Country Full Members $104 $72

After 21 August and Onsite

  Full-day Half-day
Full, Explorer and Free Members $380 $230
Free, Explorer and Full Student Members or Developing Country Full Members $130 $80

Sunday Morning Half-Day Courses

8:00–12:00 CT

PT01: Using Freshwater Invertebrates for Toxicity Tests - Study Design, Culturing, Test Methods, Data Interpretation

Course Description

Freshwater Invertebrates are a diverse group of organisms that can be tested under laboratory conditions and in the field under more realistic exposure conditions. Under regulatory frameworks for effluent and receiving waters, the ‘core’ studies with aquatic freshwater invertebrates in the U.S. are limited to acute studies with 3 species of cladocerans (Daphnia magna, D. pulex, and Ceriodaphnia dubia), and chronic laboratory tests with one species of cladocerans, C dubia and in sediments the midge (Chironomus dilutus) and the amphipod (Hyalella azteca) are often required. For pesticide registration, the Daphnia magna (or D. pulex) acute toxicity and D. magna reproduction tests are considered core studies. Acute and chronic toxicity tests with C. dilutus and H. azteca may also be required, depending on certain triggers. Toxicity tests can range from static acute toxicity tests assessing survival to chronic flow-thru laboratory tests assessing survival, growth, and reproduction studies to community studies with mesocosms, lakes and flowing water systems. Tests with aquatic invertebrates in the lab and the field can provide answers to questions pertaining to the sensitivity of these organisms to external stressors (pesticides, heavy metals, etc.) and mixtures (effluents and receiving waters).


Alan Samel, FMC

Alan Samel is an aquatic entomologist and has been a study director or study monitor for regulatory terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology studies for over 30 years as a Global regulatory Ecotoxicologist for DuPont and FMC. During this time, Alan has designed laboratory and field tests for organisms considered to be non-standardized for regulatory purposes. This includes acute and chronic toxicity tests with aquatic insects and outdoor mesocosms to observe the impact of exposure to aquatic communities. Alan is now working as a Senior Ecotoxicologist for Stone Environmental. Alan received his Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science from the Pennsylvania State University (WE ARE!) and a Master’s in Entomology and Applied Ecology from the University of Delaware.

James Lazorchak, USEPA

James is the Editor of Chemosphere and Adjunct Professor at the University of Cincinnati and Thomas More University. His early career research centered on developing fish, invertebrate, and plant bioassessment and ecotoxicology methods to assess the biological integrity of lakes, streams, rivers, and estuaries. James' current research is on the use of biological indicators (sediment toxicity, biotic condition, and invertebrate and fish tissue concentrations) to assess the effectiveness of various remedies to reduce legacy contaminants in sediments of our Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs). He is also generating ecotoxicity information on cyanobacteria and golden algae toxins. James is working on standardizing new ecotoxicity test methods for use in assessing mixtures, whole effluent toxicity, and surface waters.

  • B.S. Biology, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, Missouri (1969)
  • M.S. Aquatic Ecology, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio (1972)
  • M.S. Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Tx (1978)
  • PhD. Ecotoxicology, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Tx (1986)

PT02: Histopathologic Evaluation and Data Interpretation in Fish and Amphibian Endocrine Studies

Course Description

Histopathology is a key endpoint in many endocrine studies that utilize aquatic animals as test subjects, and is often mandated for certain standardized bioassays submitted for regulatory review, such as the Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay (AMA), the Fish Short Term Reproduction Assay (FSTRA), the Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay (LAGDA), and the Medaka Extended One Generation Reproductive Test (MEOGRT). Although guideline documents are available that describe various diagnostic criteria and terminology, most of those documents were created over a decade ago, and were based on a limited array of studies. Furthermore, procedures, criteria, and terminology in those documents may not be easily deciphered by scientists from other disciplines. Consequently, there is a genuine need for updated information that addresses gaps in the understanding of data generated by aquatic endocrine studies. This proposed half-day course will cover normal fish and frog thyroid and reproductive anatomy, anatomic considerations involving other organ types such as the liver and kidney, histopathology historical control data from guideline studies, special procedures that may be used in support of guideline recommended assessments, and histopathology data interpretation and integration with other study endpoints. The last phase of the course will incorporate case study material in an interactive format. 


Jeffrey Wolf, EPL, Inc.

Jeffrey C. Wolf received his D.V.M. degree from Michigan State University, and graduate pathology training at the University of Florida and Virginia Tech. He received ACVP board accreditation in 1997. Currently, he is the Chief Scientific Officer for Experimental Pathology Laboratories (EPL), Inc., and the Manager of Pathology at the EPL’s Virginia facility. Jeffrey’s primary area of expertise is toxicologic pathology of aquatic animals. For more than twenty years his principal focus has involved reproductive and thyroid endocrine disruption studies that utilize various species of fish, frogs, and birds, including both native and laboratory specimens. He also regularly serves as the study pathologist for many non-endocrine projects such as including target animal safety studies, environmental toxicity investigations, carcinogenesis bioassays, and primary research involving infectious diseases, embryology, and radiation toxicity. Jeffrey contributed to the writing and validation testing of the histopathology endpoint in multiple regulatory USEPA and OECD test guidance documents. In another role at EPL, he designs and supervises projects that involve image analysis and stereology. Currently, Jeffrey is a co-editor of the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, chair of the INHAND Non-Rodent Fish Working Group, a member of the editorial boards of Toxicologic Pathology and the Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, and a Courtesy Assistant Professor at the University of Florida.

Richard "Chip" Lang, EPL, Inc.

Richard Lang received his veterinary degree from the University of Glasgow, and completed his pathology training at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He received ACVP board accreditation in 2022. Prior to working as a toxicologic pathologist, Richard participated in multiple Smithsonian-funded research projects involving Caribbean reef fish diversity. Since becoming a boarded pathologist he has worked on a broad range of projects involving a variety of species and investigating various histopathologic endpoints. Among these projects, Richard has served as the study pathologist for various environmental toxicity investigations for the USEPA and other agencies, and is giving the fish and amphibian pathology lectures at the 2024 Pathology of Laboratory Animals (POLA) course. He has authored a book chapter on the toxicology and histopathology of the endocrine system, and is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 

PT03: LCA 101 for Environmental Professionals

Course Description

Join our Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 101 workshop, a comprehensive introduction to LCA. This 3-hour workshop provides a foundational overview, demystifying the principles and processes of LCA. Attendees will gain an understanding of how LCA is used to evaluate the environmental impacts of products or services throughout their entire life cycle—from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. Ideal for beginners or those seeking a refresher, this session equips participants with the basic knowledge to start applying LCA in their work or studies, paving the way for informed decision-making towards sustainable practices.


Christop Koffler, Sphera Solutions

PT04: Wildlife Food Chain Modeling: Theory and Application

Course Description

The purpose of the course is to introduce students, practitioners, and other environmental experts to wildlife food chain modeling – an important skill in the ecological risk assessors’ toolbox. The class will review the predominant theory behind food chain modeling, its underlying assumptions, sources of data, methods of calculation, and sources of uncertainty. This will include modeling of exposure, which includes derivation of food, water, and sediment/soil ingestion rates, and exposure modifying factors. Additionally, the student will be introduced to toxicity reference values (TRVs) using USEPA Ecological Soil Screening Level (Eco-SSL) guidance. The course will end with exercises requiring the student to estimate hazard quotients for a wildlife species, back-calculate a protective concentration level (a.k.a., screening level), and develop protective criteria for surface water for a bioaccumulative contaminant.


Brian Yates, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Brian is a recognized expert in the field of ecological risk assessment for site remediation in the northeastern United States. He is highly experienced in the characterization and risk assessment of contaminants in wetland and riparian ecosystems. He uses federal and state-approved methods and tools to assess exposure and risk to various benthic, fish and wildlife species. Such investigations often involve the evaluation of contaminant bioavailability using various lines of evidence, such as equilibrium partitioning modeling, measurements of contaminants in pore water/tissue, sediment toxicity testing and food chain modeling. Brian has conducted extensive research on the life history, exposure and uptake of chemicals of concern by both aquatic and terrestrial receptors in diverse habitats and food webs. He has developed multi-compartmental models for assessing the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of chemicals of concern in the food chain throughout multiple trophic levels and feeding guilds. Brian is currently the lead technical scientist in charge of developing ecological clean-up levels for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s “Protective Concentration Level (PCL) Database”, which includes over 120 chemicals of concern, 113 species and three toxicological endpoints. He has conducted ecological risk assessments of various chemical mixtures in sediments, soils, and surface waters in both freshwater and tidally-influenced systems throughout the United States. Risk assessment is also used to develop ecological risk management decisions, and site-specific cleanup goals that maximize contaminant removal while minimizing disturbance to sensitive areas. He regularly conducts investigations using macroinvertebrates, earthworms, fish, small mammals, and plants as indicator species, using such results to validate desktop modeling and/or laboratory testing. He has taught environmental science and ecological risk assessment classes at the graduate level, and currently teaches the “Ecological Risk Assessment for Site Remediation” continuing education course for Licensed Site Remediation Professionals.

Sunday Afternoon Half-Day Courses

13:00–17:00 CT

PT05: Non-Targeted Analysis for Decision Making: How Can NTA Work for You?

Course Description

Non-targeted analysis(NTA) is a powerful emerging technology that promises to enable the simultaneous analysis of every chemical in complex mixtures and biological or environmentally derived samples. This technique has originated in research laboratories, but practical applications of NTA can contribute to many sector's decision making. This course will use a variety of case studies from the organizer's own research and the scientific literature to frame NTA studies from the perspective of decision-makers. This includes designing NTA studies with an emphasis on understanding their benefits and limitations, evaluating NTA data quality as an end-user, and specific examples of interpreting and modeling NTA datasets to resolve scientific questions. Attendees should leave familiar with fundamental principles of how quality NTA research is conducted and reported and be able to determine when and how to apply NTA data to their circumstances.


James McCord, USEPA

James McCord is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a PhD in analytical chemistry, focused on high resolution mass spectrometry. As a chemist in the USEPA, he has developed cutting-edge non-targeted analysis (NTA) methods for characterizing environmental contaminants of emerging concern and effectively applied these to the class of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). He has led dozens of collaborative projects using NTA for environmental monitoring, site characterization, and metabolism investigation with the EPA's various government and non-government partners. James is also the chair of the Best Practices for Non-Targeted Analysis (BP4NTA) workgroup – a scientific organization combining government, academic, and industry scientists to inform NTA best practices, method standardization, and educational materials.

Anna Ruth Robuck, USEPA

Anna is a Physical Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development. Her work focuses on characterizing legacy and novel PFAS in a variety of environmental matrices using targeted and nontargeted platforms, with a focus on bioaccumulation and toxicity of PFAS. Prior to joining EPA, she studied chemical and plastic pollution in humans and wildlife at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai and University of Rhode Island.

Stephan Baumann, Agilent

Stephan joined Agilent’s global marketing team, with a focus on technical applied markets. He has been with Agilent since 2005, responsible for both GC and LC/MS platforms. Stephan excels at statistical analysis and has over two decades supporting both analytical and chemometric workflows. Prior to joining Agilent, Stephan worked as an analytical chemist and manager in the environmental, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries.

PT06: Web-Based Interspecies Correlation Estimation (Web-ICE) of Acute Toxicity for Chemicals With Limited Data

Course Description

This course will train attendees on the Web-based Interspecies Correlation Estimation v4.0 (Web-ICE) modelling tool, a New Approach Methodology developed and applied by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to predict acute toxicity for diverse species from limited surrogate species data. Web-ICE was developed to address data gaps in species sensitivity and reduce reliance on uncertainty factors in Ecological Risk Assessment. The Web-ICE application uses least squares regression of species sensitivity to predict acute toxicity to taxa for chemicals with limited measured toxicity data from the known toxicity of a surrogate species. The newly released Web-ICE v4.0 has over 4700 models representing 478 aquatic animal species, over 100 models representing 69 algae species, and over 850 models for 156 species of terrestrial birds and mammals. Web-ICE Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) modules can be used to estimate toxicity to all predicted species from available surrogate species and create a distribution of species sensitivity. Probabilistic hazard levels are estimated from the SSD to provide a prescribed level of species protection with known uncertainty. The Web-ICE endangered species module uses species, genus, and family-level models to evaluate the acute sensitivity of threatened and endangered species from all available surrogates. The Bulk ICE module is new with Web-ICE v4.0 and predicts all species, genus, and family-level models from all available surrogates to maximize the taxonomic diversity of modeled output. This introductory course requires no prerequisite knowledge of the subject matter. The course will provide participants with knowledge of Web-ICE databases, statistical methodologies, model validation, uncertainty analyses, and practical applications, providing hands-on use of the toxicity estimation tool. Web-ICE is available at Course attendees must supply their own laptops to complete course exercises.


Sandy Raimondo, USEPA

Sandy is a Senior Research Ecologist with the US EPA Office of Research and Development and the lead developer of the Web-based Interspecies Correlation Estimation (Web-ICE) application. She started her career with EPA as a postdoctoral fellow in 2003 and has been working on the development and validation of ICE models since 2005. Since Web-ICE v1.1 was launched in 2007, Sandy has published 16 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 9 technical reports on ICE models across six versions of the web application and is consulted on their development and application internationally. Sandy has worked with EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, Office of Water, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances, and several Regions on the application of ICE models in EPA Ecological Risk Assessments.

Lexi Nelson, USEPA

Lexi is a data scientist in the US EPA’s Office of Research and Development, where she supports projects under the Chemical Safety for Sustainability and Safe and Sustainable Water Resources research programs. She has worked on the Web-ICE research team since 2022, providing technical support, running code, generating graphics, and conducting quality assurance/quality control activities during the website’s recent update to version 4.0. Lexi will help facilitate the training and provide guidance to registrants as they work through case studies of risk assessment scenarios, during the Web-ICE v4.0 short course.

Sunday Full-Day Courses

8:00–17:00 CT

PT07: Environmental Risk Assessment Methods for New Chemical Submissions: Tools and Approaches Under TSCA

Course Description

The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was enacted in 2016, which amended the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the primary chemicals management law in the US. Implementation of the amended legislation is carried out by U.S. EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) and includes assessments of both new and existing chemical substances. This course will focus on the assessment of new chemical substances. For the vast majority of new chemical submissions, little or no ecotoxicological information is provided to the EPA, which presents challenges to the environmental risk assessment process. EPA relies on screening-level tools to identify chemicals that may pose unreasonable risks before they enter into commerce. The purpose of the course is to describe chemistry, fate, environmental hazard, exposure, and risk assessment tools and approaches currently used within OPPT’s New Chemicals Program with a focus on the assessment of risk to the aquatic compartment. Instructors will present OPPT’s environmental risk assessment process, provide hands-on risk screening examples, and discuss the challenges and opportunities regarding environmental risk assessment under TSCA. In addition, an industry perspective will be shared with the attendees based on their experience submitting new chemicals to the EPA.


Jeffrey Gallagher, USEPA

Jeffrey is an acting branch supervisor in the New Chemicals Division (NCD) with a background in environmental toxicology. Jeffrey has conducted hundreds of environmental risk assessments for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) over the past 15 years. He strives for the highest scientific quality in each “new chemical” risk assessment, regularly promotes interdisciplinary teamwork, routinely briefs/advises USEPA senior leadership on a range of scientific topics, and communicates with external stakeholders (e.g., academia, industry, government) from around the world. He holds degrees from Wright State University and Clemson University. Jeffrey has participated in SETAC meetings since 1998 by presenting posters, platforms, volunteering, and holding office positions (i.e., SETAC North America Board of Directors member). Jeffrey will provide an overview of the TSCA New Chemicals Program, present the chemistry slides and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Harrison “Danielle” Johnson, USEPA

Harrison “Danielle” Johnson is an environmental fate assessor in the New Chemicals Division (NCD) and has worked for the agency for more than five years. Prior to onboarding with the USEPA, Danielle was an environmental scientist and chemist for more than ten years. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy. Danielle will present on NCD’s Fate Assessment and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Norman Dean, USEPA

Norman is an exposure assessor in the New Chemicals Division (NCD). Prior to joining the agency in 2024, Norman had more than five years of experience developing exposure assessments as a contractor for NCD and the Existing Chemicals Risk Assessment Division (ECRAD). Norman holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Norman will present on NCD’s aquatic exposure assessment process, provide a hands-on demonstration of EPA’s Exposure and Fate Screening Assessment Tool (E-FAST), and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Gordon Sanders, Givaudan International SA

Gordon Sanders is Principal Environmental Scientist at Givaudan, a Swiss Flavour and Fragrance company, and USEPA Sustainable Futures graduate since 2012. Gordon prepares global testing strategies for fragrance ingredients, monitors environmental and ecotoxicological testing and prepares notification dossiers and related environmental risk assessments. Prior to working in the perfume industry, he has worked as an environmental fate expert in several contract research organizations and plant protection companies and specialized in laboratory and field studies. Gordon has a keen interest in New Approach Methodologies and has been advocating on alternatives in aquatic toxicity and aquatic and terrestrial bioaccumulation for more than a decade. He is also involved in European and international industry associations and is a member of the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) Scientific Committee. Gordon has a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry. He will provide an industry perspective on developing environmental risk assessments for PMN submissions and discuss the challenges under the amended TSCA. Gordon will participate in the Open Q&A section.

Wen-Hsiung Lee, USEPA

Wen-Hsiung Lee is an environmental fate assessor in the New Chemicals Division (NCD) and has worked for the agency since 1998. Wen also serves as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) for the fate and exposure disciplines and supports the development of EPA’s Estimation Program Interface (EPI Suite) program. Prior to joining EPA in 1998, he gained valuable experience at several international environmental consulting and IT companies, where he focused on water and wastewater treatment design, sludge management, air pollution modeling, and environmental system development. Wen received a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Virginia Tech and a Master of Science in Mineral Processing Engineering from University of Alaska. He also holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Mining, Metallurgy and Material Science from Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Wen will lead the audience in an EPI Suite hands-on demonstration and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Nicholas Turner, USEPA

Nicholas Turner is a biologist in the New Chemicals Division (NCD), where he is responsible for assessing the environmental hazards and risks of new chemical substances. Prior to joining the EPA in 2022, Nick earned a PhD in Marine Biology from Nova Southeastern University, in which he specialized in evaluating the toxicological impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons to coral reefs and other marine ecosystems. Nick will present on NCD’s Environmental Hazard Assessment and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Amuel Kennedy, USEPA

Amuel Kennedy is a biologist in the New Chemicals Division (NCD). Amuel has a background in the field of biology, environmental science, and aquatic toxicology. During his 25-year tenure at the EPA, he has performed environmental risk assessments on industrial chemicals in TSCA’s New and Existing Chemical programs. In addition, Amuel was involved in OPPT’s Pollution Prevention (P2) framework and Sustainable Futures programs that has aided in development of safer chemicals. Amuel has presented at several SETAC meetings since 1999 on behalf of EPA on topics such as the P2 Framework, the PBT Profiler, The High Production Volume (HPV) Program, the TSCA Section 8(e) and FYI Screening Database, and ECOSAR. Amuel will lead the audience in an ECOSAR hands-on demonstration and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

Daniel Ta, USEPA

Daniel Ta, a biologist in the New Chemicals Division (NCD), has been assessing environmental hazard and risk of new chemical substances since 2023. Prior to joining the Agency, Daniel assisted NCD in both human health and environmental risk assessments for new chemicals as a contractor biologist for SRC, Inc. Daniel received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Virginia Tech and Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering and Sciences from Johns Hopkins University. Daniel will present on NCDs Ecological Risk Assessment and participate in the Open Q&A section during the course.

PT08: Non-Targeted and Targeted PFAS Analysis Using LC-HRMS/MS

Course Description

Join us for a comprehensive exploration of targeted and non-targeted PFAS analysis in our full-day workshop (with emphasis on non-targeted approaches). Participants will delve into the fundamentals of PFAS, including PFAS structural motifs, classifications, and available databases with corresponding meta-data. Expert-led sessions cover sample handling, extraction, available standards, acquisition methods, quality control, and data processing and interpretation. After covering the topics, challenge your knowledge with PFAS analysis trivia and collaborate in teams to mine PFAS from online datasets, culminating in a collective examination of findings. We will conclude with a discussion on available resources for the community, and provide in-depth SOPs, tutorials, and other resources to help you get the most out of your samples. Whether you're new to PFAS analysis or seeking advanced insights, this workshop offers valuable skills and knowledge for researchers and other stakeholders.


Jeremy Koelmel, Innovative Omics

Jeremy Koelmel is currently CEO of Innovative Omics, a company involved in training labs in non-targeted lipidomics and PFAS workflows and providing software solutions, and is an associate research faculty at Yale, as part of Krystal Pollitt's laboratory. He focuses on developing data-processing workflows and software, specifically for compound identification using high-resolution mass spectrometry. He is most excited about environmental applications related to sustainability and protection of land and water. Jeremy has written 55 publications in the last 6 years on related topics, led teams to develop 11 software including both vendor (Lipid Annotator, Agilent) and open-source solutions, and is excited to continue expanding the frontier of compound identification using mass spectrometry. One of his most downloaded and utilized software is FluoroMatch Flow, an open-source solution covering all steps of the PFAS non-targeted data-processing workflow.

John Bowden, University of Florida

John is an analytical chemist with over 20 years of experience in mass spectrometry, chromatography, exposomics and omics workflows. John's expertise spans environmental pollutants, biomolecules, and method development. His Ph.D. research, under Richard Yost at the University of Florida, focused on analyzing contaminants in alligators, sparking an interest in developmental exposure impacts. At the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), John established the internationally recognized lipidomics program, contributing significantly to field standardization. With a passion for mentoring, he has guided over 25 young scientists and published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Currently, John is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiological Sciences at the University of Florida's College of Veterinary Medicine. He has developed one of the largest targeted panels for PFAS analysis, running both a core lab and research laboratory for targeted and non-targeted PFAS measurement in a wide array of environmental and biological substrates.

PT09: The Endocrine System: Global Perspectives on Testing Methods and Evaluation of Endocrine Activity

Course Description

In response to concerns that certain environmental chemicals might interfere with the endocrine system of humans and wildlife, regulations have been promulgated around the world targeting the evaluation of these types of effects. The purpose of this short course is to address key topics related to endocrine system evaluation and regulatory requirements around the world. The course provides basic information on vertebrate endocrine systems, mechanisms of control, and adverse effects. The focus is the estrogen, androgen, and thyroid systems, although new endocrine system targets will be discussed. The requirements of the ECHA/EFSA Guidance document (2018) and the US EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program will be presented. As such it will cover regulatory needs for pesticides, biocides and REACH substances, including the development of definitions and criteria in the EU. Screens and tests used in these programs are discussed, including plans for the evolution of the US EPA program, with the use of high throughput in vitro assays, in silico modeling, and adverse outcome pathways. Use of weight of evidence evaluations in interpreting the data will be covered. Finally, an interactive simulation will be staged where groups of participants can engage in a transparent and quantitative weight of evidence evaluation of data. 


Ellen Mihaich, ER2

Ellen Mihaich, Ph.D., DABT, owns ER2, an environmental firm in Durham, NC. Among endocrine-related activities, she is a BIAC representative to the OECD Eco-Validation Management Group for endocrine testing and is the scientific coordinator of the Endocrine Policy Forum. She received a BA from Wellesley College and MS and PhD degrees in environmental toxicology from Duke University, where she holds an adjunct appointment and teaches a graduate course in risk assessment. She is a past president of SETAC and a SETAC Fellow.

Steven Levine, Bayer CropScience

Steven joined a legacy Bayer Crop Science company in 2000 following EPA & NIH Fellowships in Ecotoxicology and Toxicology. He is a Bayer Distinguished Science Fellow within Regulatory Sciences and has conducted research on the regulation of endocrine pathways and led testing programs to assess potential interaction with endocrine pathways. Steven has served on international committees developing guidelines for endocrine testing, is actively involved with training programs on pesticide product safety assessments & Chairs CropLife International’s ED Working Group.

Gregory Lemkine, Laboratoire Watchfrog S.A.

Gregory is the head of Watchfrog, a laboratory exclusively dedicated to endocrine testing. He holds a PhD in Physiology from the Museum of Natural History in Paris. He contributed to the development of gene transfer techniques to study the role of thyroid hormones to control neural stem cells proliferation/differentiation. Gregory completed a training/action cycle of HEC school of management and supervised the validation of three OECD Test Guidelines to assess endocrine activities.