We invite you to consider publishing your research with Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). We also offer other science communication outlets that can help promote the work you are presenting.
The Globe is our official newsletter and reaches an international audience. Articles exploring cutting-edge topics are a great way to solicit abstracts to sessions. Previews of forthcoming sessions are some of our most popular articles.
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We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to publish with SETAC Journals!
Contact the editorial office at [email protected].
Contact the editorial office at [email protected].
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the style and format requirements specified with the ET&C and IEAM author guidelines.
Supplemental data files to be posted in conjunction with the article also must be included as part of the submission package. Potential conflict of interest must be reported at the time the original manuscript is submitted. Research funding and other support from outside the authors’ stated affiliation must be disclosed in an acknowledgment section, included immediately before the reference section, in the manuscript. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed initially by the editor-in‐chief and editorial staff to verify that the work is within the scope of the journal and is otherwise appropriate for peer review. All original manuscripts are subject to review by at least two outside referees.