This is a forum for leaders of SETAC North America Regional Chapters.
SETAC North America offers this support to its chapters:
Liability Insurance: SETAC general liability umbrella insurance covers all chapters as “named insured” and we can provide you certifications of that as needed. We can advise on obtaining insurance for other parties such as entities hosting chapter events.
Administrative Matters: We can help your chapter with collecting membership fees and also support your chapter by hosting a WordPress site or advice on emailing or communicating to your membership (through SETAC or a separate platform), on request.
Chapter Meeting Support: We can provide the technology to collect abstracts and meeting registration fees, on request. SETAC North America Board of Directors also often arranges for a representative to attend annual chapter meetings. Finally, the board offers financial support to some chapters, as needed.
Student representatives from each chapter are invited to join the SETAC North America Student Advisory Council.
SETAC North America provides waived registration to the SETAC North America Annual Meeting for two student winners of each chapter’s best student presentation award program.
Local Outreach: If interested in visiting universities in your area and recruiting to your chapter, we have a tool kit and tips we can share.
Compliance: A chapter may want to register as a non-profit organization in a state or province. Each state or province has a separate application form. The form may ask for incorporation documents. Chapters could mimic the SETAC Articles of Incorporation and should seek approval for use of the SETAC name or logo from the SETAC North America Board of Directors. Chapters in the United States should consult the National Council of Nonprofits and their state non-profit council or alliance for resources regarding obtaining non-profit tax exempt status - 501(3)c. United States Chapters may also want to apply to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) for a tax number - also called an Employer Identification Number [EIN] – even if organizations does not have employees. The application for EIN number is simple. Once a chapter is registered, there are expectations to file reports to maintain status periodically (depends on state) and to file IRS Form 990 annually.
Financial Support: SETAC North America accepts requests for funding support from chapters in need of assistance. The funding request form opens annually at the start of the year and closes March 31st.
Swag: If you are looking for SETAC swag for your chapter members, be sure to look at offerings in the SETAC Memorabilia Store and find the perfect way to celebrate your connection to environmental science.
To request staff support, email [email protected].
To communicate with other leaders in the group, use the "discussions" tab.
To engage with other chapters, find a listing of SETAC North America Regional Chapters.
SETAC North America relies on chapter leadership to keep us up to date on chapter news. Update us by filling out the forms below.