The scope of the Interest Group (IG) includes ecology, ecotoxicology, and laboratory and field testing of aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plants.
The major objectives of this IG are:
- To provide information on and to discuss the current status quo regarding aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plant testing studies, ecotoxicology and risk assessment
- To provide a scientific basis for substance-specific and retrospective aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plant risk assessment
- To build regulatory confidence in the application of new methods for testing and risk assessment and through effective communication and knowledge exchange e.g., in training courses
- To be actively involved in the development of guidance on aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plant testing and aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plant risk assessment in support of current and future legislation
The IG accommodates three Working Groups (WGs) working on specific issues:
- Plant Reproduction
- Glyceria Ring-Test
- Plant Visual Injury