
SETAC was established in 1979 and soon grew to be a global entity with geographic units in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America. Thus, SETAC became the global home to environmental professionals from around the world while meeting the needs of individual scientists at the local and regional levels. SETAC programs include publications (such as journals, fact sheets and books), workshops, webinars and an awards program, which are all supported by members and volunteers.

The affairs of the Society are managed by the Global Executive Director under oversight of the SETAC World Council as defined by the SETAC Bylaws. SETAC is incorporated in the US as a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization, EIN #52-1184315.


Screenshot of 2025 SETAC World Council Zoom call

SETAC World Council

Amanda Reichelt-Brushett, Southern Cross University, Australia

Vice President
Nile Kemble, Federal Government (retired), USA

Bruno Campos, Unilever, United Kingdom

Immediate Past President
Beatrice Opeolu, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Council Members
Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd, United Kingdom
Julie Brodeur, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina
Gabriel Dedeke, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria
Mark Johnson, Federal Government, USA
Alan Jones, BASF Corporation, USA
Susana Loureiro, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Teresa Norberg-King, Aquatic Ecotox Solutions, LLC, USA
Juan Ignacio Pina, Albaugh, Argentina
Chris Stransky, GEI Consultants, USA
Hiroshi Yamamoto, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Nonvoting Ex Officio Members and Observers

Carlos Arras-Barreiro, Consultant, Australia
Mariana Artal, Syngenta Ltd, Brazil
Tarryn Botha, University of South Africa, South Africa
Enock Danky, University of Ghana, Ghana
Darren Koppel, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia

Student Representatives
Bonnie Ertel, University of South Carolina, USA (SETAC North America)
Mara Abril Ayala Gonzales, Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Integral, Peru (SETAC Latin America)
Markus Schmitz, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SETAC Europe)
Innocentia Sibiya, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Executive Directors
Bart Bosveld, SETAC Global
Karel De Schamphelaere, SETAC Europe
Tamar Schlekat, SETAC North America

Financial Information

View the recent 990 tax forms for 2023202220212020 and 2019.