About SETAC North America
SETAC North America is a geographic unit of SETAC, established to promote and undertake activities of the society in the United States, Canada and Mexico. SETAC North America is incorporated in the US as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, EIN #37-1482800.

SETAC North America programs include an annual meeting, periodic focus topic meetings and workshops, and an awards program, which are advanced by its membership.
The affairs of SETAC North America are managed by the executive director under the oversight of the board of directors. The board advances its work with help from the membership through committees. The SETAC North America Board of Directors reports on its work to the membership annually at a general assembly in the last quarter of the year and periodically through articles in the SETAC Globe newsletter.
Within SETAC North America, there are 19 regional chapters.