Happy New Year!
Bart Bosveld, SETAC Global Executive Director
In this first issue of 2025, I wish you all the best for the year ahead. It promises to be a challenging year for environmental scientists. Science is frequently distrusted. Misinformation is rampant, scientific methods are neglected, and short-term profits often prevail over long-term environmental sustainability. In these circumstances, the counter-voice of SETAC is important, and our work to advance environmental science and science-based decision-making is as relevant as ever.
In the past year, SETAC published two new Technical Issues Papers to add to the list of fact sheets providing a balanced, scientific discussion of important environmental issues. The SETAC awards program recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of environmental sciences and to the society, and our flagship journals, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM), continue to lead in publishing peer-reviewed cutting-edge research. SETAC meetings, both physical and virtual, provided a platform for deliberating about environmental concerns in a way that seeks to expand knowledge and promote understanding.
Workshops provided an in-depth exploration of specific topics, aiming to develop science-based recommendations for risk assessment approaches. SETAC engaged with UNEP on the establishment of a Science Policy Panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. The “SETAC 2024 Year in Review” showcases the main achievements of each of these initiatives and programs. With all these activities, SETAC continues to promote objective science and science-based environmental decision-making.
Looking ahead to 2025, it promises to be an exciting year, with programs aligned to the priorities and objectives outlined in SETAC’s five year strategic plan. While the first priority, to advance environmental science and promote science-informed decision-making, is focussing on our mission programs and core activities, the second priority, sustain organizational health, is focussing on creating the optimal conditions to operate and successfully execute our mission programs. Since its founding in 1979 in North America, SETAC has grown into a global network with more than 9,000 members in 128 countries. organized in five Geographic Units operating in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America, and dozens of regional chapters or branches, all under the umbrella of SETAC World as the global organization. With this widely branched structure, SETAC is the professional home for thousands of experts with a shared mission and connected through a fine-mazed network. Good collaborations between the boards, councils and committees of all SETAC entities across the world are important to maximize the strength of a global community committed to Environmental Quality Through Science®. To ensure an efficient organization into the future and offer the best value for our 9,000 members across the world, a task force was established to review the organically grown structures in SETAC and make recommendations for continued operational strength of SETAC to serve our mission in the best possible way, locally and globally.
In 2025, SETAC science will be celebrated in a wide array of events across the world, serving local and global networks and ranging from topical meetings to broad spectrum environmental conferences. The global scope of SETAC is most prominently addressed in the SETAC 9th World Congress, when scientists, policymakers, regulators, industry representatives, nongovernmental organizations and civil society representatives from across the world will come together to exchange knowledge and insights. With the World Congress, SETAC aims to promote and enhance global knowledge exchange and collaboration, recognizing common underlying scientific principles, but very different environmental, cultural, economical and political circumstances that require different approaches to investigate, mitigate or manage environmental issues. Make sure to contribute to this unique event by submitting a session proposal by 18 February or by submitting an abstract for a poster or platform presentation starting 17 March.
I look forward to an exciting 2025, with SETAC contributing to a healthy future for all.
Author’s contact: [email protected]