08 Aug 2024

Participate in the SETAC Café on Fostering Research and Addressing Misinformation

Join us for an illuminating café session from 10.30 a.m.–11.30 a.m. EDT, on Tuesday, 24 September, as we explore the crucial role of fostering, funding and supporting scientific research and addressing misinformation and mistrust in science. 

The appeal for the discussion on “The Importance of Fostering Scientific Research and Addressing Misinformation of Science” was triggered by a recent publication (Sesin et al. 2023) in the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and, together with past sessions as well as newer published information, forms the source for three featured presentations:

  1. A Historical Perspective on Research and Misinformation - Dr. Pat Guiney
  2. From Heliocentrism to Climate Change and COVID-19 - Dr. Larry Kapustka
  3. Suggestions for Addressing Misinformation Holistically - Dr. Mary Ann Ottinger

Learn about actionable strategies or necessary actions to prevent misuse of research and engage in a question-and-answer session afterwards.

Don’t miss this vital conversation. Register and join!