06 Feb 2023

SETAC Science Digest 2022

2022 was a year marked by more in-person activities while capitalizing on the benefits of the technology advances spurred on by the pandemic. Thanks to the continuing support of our members, leadership and staff, we tackled new initiatives and activities to solve pressing environmental problems using multidisciplinary approaches and balanced participation. Here are some highlights:


Two workshops advanced the science in their respective fields. One group worked to define best practices for exposure data assessment and the other to better integrate climate change into risk assessments. Be on the lookout for forthcoming publications in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management!

CREED workshop participants

Using Environmental Concentration Exposure Datasets in Environmental Assessments: The Development of Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating Exposure Datasets

May 2022 • Copenhagen, Denmark


members from the Global Climate Change Pellston Workshop

Integrating Global Climate Change in Ecological Risk Assessment

June 2022 • Oscarsborg, Norway

New Initiatives and Collaborations


Launched Webinars Program

View our favorite webinar of the year, “Recommendations for Microplastic Toxicity Testing and Hazard Characterization.”

Supported Launch of the International Consortium to Advance Cross-Species Extrapolation

View slides outlining the program.


Penguin eating fish


chemical barrels


Initiated Collaboration With United Nations on New Science Policy Body on Chemicals, Waste and Pollution

SETAC supported the UN resolution to establish an intergovernmental science body to contribute to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution, and issued a statement at the first session of the associated UNEP open-ended working group in October.



networking concept, hands typing on computer

Young Environmental Scientists Meeting

7–9 March • Online


Copenhagen waterfront

SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting

15–19 May • Copenhagen, Denmark + Online

cherry blossoms

SETAC Asia-Pacific 2022 Conference

5–8 September • Online


aerial photo or Pittsburgh

SETAC North America 43rd Annual Meeting

13–17 November • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania + Online

Topical Initiatives

Symposium on Terrestrial Vertebrates Risk Assessment to Pesticides (T-REX and T-HERPS)

12–14 April • Online

NonTarget 2022: Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment

22–26 May • Durham, North Carolina + Online

Fundão Dam Rupture Science Meeting

21–22 September • Ouro Preto, Brazil

Assessing Risks for Soils: Challenges and Opportunities

5–6 October • Online

The Role of Life Cycle Assessment in Raw Material Sustainability, Circulatory and Criticality

12–14 October • Online

Symposium on Ecological Risk Assessment for Soil Organisms

7–8 December • Online

Ongoing Initiatives

SETAC Honors

We congratulate all who proved excellence in the field, showed academic rigor at meetings, and reflected SETAC’s mission and values.

View the 2022 Award Winners

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